Find a Tonal at hotels across the country.

- Being away from home no longer means being away from your Tonal. Our exclusive list of hotel partners across the country means you don’t have to miss out on your favorite workout.
- The hotels on this list have Tonal located in their guest rooms, private studios, or fitness centers. All you need to do is bring your workout gear.
- Tonal’s hotel finder page is coming soon, so keep an eye out for that. Until then, here’s a list of hotels where you can get your Tonal workout.
You’ve been working hard on those strength gains, and Tonal is making strides towards helping you be your strongest even when away from home. You can now get your workout in leading hotels and resorts where Tonal can be found in guest rooms, private studios, and fitness centers.
Whether you are an existing member or someone who wants to try digital weight for the first time, book a session at one of our partner hotels where Tonal is located. New locations are being added all the time, so be sure to check back and see if Tonal has made it to your favorite destination.
Use Tonal’s Hotel Finder to locate a Tonal at your destination.