Tonal member Rebecca Jones loves lifting but isn’t a fan of her local gym. With Tonal, she can easily strength train at home.

At the age of 25, Rebecca Jones was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease and, as a result, was put on steroids. The medication caused her hips to deteriorate, and Rebecca also developed osteopenia. Her doctor recommended strength training, but being so weak at the time, it didn’t feel doable.
Rebecca went on to love lifting with just one snag — she didn’t like going to her local gym. The weight room for women was so small, and she felt intimidated by the larger weight room, which was always full of men, but Tonal made it possible for her to strength train with confidence.
Rebecca is 39 now, and for the last two years, she has been consistently working out with Tonal from home. She’s on the lowest dosage of her medication, has more energy, improved muscle mass, and has never felt happier or healthier.
Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I was born and raised in Charleston, South Carolina, where I currently live, with my husband, Adam, and our two rescue dogs and a sphynx cat. I own a lash studio and work five to six days a week doing lash extensions.
Tell us about how you came across Tonal and why you decided to buy one?
I randomly came across the Tonal on a Peloton Facebook group page in early 2019. I showed my husband but didn’t think he’d go for it. I really liked the idea of Tonal because I love lifting and feel intimidated going to the gym. Our local gym has the tiniest weight room for women, and the larger weight room was always full of men. I didn’t like going in there. Ultimately we decided to get one.
Because my schedule is so crazy, it was easy to talk myself out of working out before or after work, but I have zero excuses with Tonal in my home.
What was the first day like with Tonal?
We got our Tonal in July 2019. We were so excited to have it, but honestly, it took me a while to get into using it. Isn’t that crazy? I didn’t even do my assessment until a month later. I’m not sure why I waited so long. Now, my husband and I both use Tonal almost daily, me more than him!
Tell us about where you were at the start of your journey and where are you now?
Before Tonal, I did some Peloton workouts here and there but was never consistent. During the pandemic, my salon was closed for nine weeks. I didn’t have anything to do but work out. I decided to make the change and followed through. Three days a week became four, and then five, and now I use Tonal seven days a week. I lift, do yoga, and stretch, and I look forward to my sessions every morning and hitting new goals.
How has being stronger impacted different areas of your life?
I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease at the age of 25. I’m 39 now. My body doesn’t absorb nutrients like a normal person, and I can’t eat a lot of “healthy” foods, like salad and raw veggies. I was put on steroids for a long time, which caused my hips to deteriorate in my mid-20s, and I developed osteopenia.
My doctor told me I needed to get into strength training, but being so weak at the time, I didn’t feel like it was doable. I am now on the lowest dosage of my medications, my muscle mass has increased, and I have helped prevent my bones’ deterioration from getting worse. I have more energy and feel healthier and happier.
What obstacles did you face on your journey, and how did Tonal help you overcome them?
Once my salon was open, I was working five to six days and long hours. Having enjoyed working out so much while we were closed, I had to figure out a way to keep it up. Tonal made it easy to manage workouts. I would schedule my workouts like an appointment and made a promise to show up every day as I would for my job. It sets the tone for my day.
I really like Tonal because I love lifting and feel intimidated going to the gym. Our local gym has the tiniest weight room for women, and the larger weight room was always full of men. I didn’t like going in there.

What is the biggest unexpected benefit you’ve received from having Tonal in your home?
Because my schedule is so crazy, it was easy to talk myself out of working out before or after work, but I have zero excuses with Tonal in my home. I also unexpectedly fell in love with yoga.
What’s the one piece of advice or the biggest lesson you’ve learned during your transformation that you want to share with the rest of the community?
The motivation isn’t always going to be there, so you can’t rely on it. Tonal can’t do the work for you either. On the days you want to give up and sleep in, tap into your discipline and get it done. Even a 15-minute workout is better than nothing to get your body moving.
What does it mean for you to be your strongest?
Being your strongest isn’t just physical. It’s mental too. Tonal has taught me that self-care is taking care of my body and mind to be stronger in all aspects of my life. I’ve become more disciplined and don’t sweat the small stuff as much.